
  • Education

School fundraising ideas to take into consideration

There’s no better way to instill a passion for kindness and compassion than by giving students school fundraising ideas -…

5 years ago
  • Education

How using videos for education changes the classroom

Studies have shown that videos improve the learning process, help students retain information more easily and rapidly understand complicated concepts.…

5 years ago
  • Education

How to create and sell teaching materials

This article presents more than just what teachers and teaching materials are. It covers a topic that could be interesting…

5 years ago
  • Digital Publishing

Prospectus examples to inspire your creativity

A prospectus is a relevant piece of educational material. They are most often used for schools and universities, but they…

6 years ago
  • Education

How to study efficiently and successfully

How to study efficiently and properly with so many school subjects, projects, and assignments that also need to be done?…

6 years ago
  • Education

Learning on the go: 15 educational podcasts for curious minds

Educational podcasts are an amazing tool for learning on the go. We compiled a list of podcasts to listen to…

6 years ago
  • Education

6 yearbook ideas that help you create the perfect one

High school yearbooks have always been a great opportunity to leave a heart-melting memory to your colleagues. But if you're…

6 years ago
  • Education

8 interesting school magazine topics

School magazines are a great source of information and entertainment, but also a great opportunity to get some work experience.…

6 years ago
  • Education

Digital portfolio for students – tips and examples

With the high rise of technology in the educational field, more and more schools encourage students to build a digital…

7 years ago
  • Education


We like to see how youth organizations use Flipsnack. That's why we decided to interview Joey Bluel, a cool guy…

7 years ago

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