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What is a pitch deck and how can you create one? Definition and templates


The business world has never been as fast-paced as it is today. If a couple of decades ago, it was hard to schedule a meeting with investors to pitch your ideas or your company, now it’s almost impossible. Whether you’re a startup founder or a seasoned entrepreneur, you often have just minutes to present your vision and convince an audience of your company’s value. This is where the pitch deck comes in—a powerful, concise presentation designed to summarize your business, highlight key opportunities, and inspire the confidence that you know what you’re doing.

In the next moments, I’d like to go through the pitch deck definition, key components, avoiding common mistakes when creating a pitch deck, and other information you’ve likely already searched for. So stick around for interactive pitch deck templates that take the pressure off of thinking of a layout and structure on your own.

What is a pitch deck?

A pitch deck serves as a visual storytelling tool that simplifies complex business ideas into easy to grasp, engaging slides. It’s the backbone of every funding meeting, sales presentation, or partnership pitch, since it offers the critical elements investors need before getting on board. For startups and businesses, having a well-crafted pitch deck is more than a necessity—it’s the gateway to funding, seeing your idea get put into practice, and benefit from strategic growth. A pitch deck is way more than a simple PowerPoint when you use the right tools capable to go beyond document formats and craft experiences.

What is the purpose of a pitch deck?

The primary purpose of a pitch deck is to break down intricate business models, present market opportunities, and highlight the unique value proposition of your product or service. It communicates not only the “what” of your business but also the “why”—why your solution is the one to back, and why now is the time to invest. From securing funding to persuading new clients, a pitch deck is your chance to secure a spot in the mind of your audience. 

Are there different types of pitch decks?

There are three types of pitch decks that businesses can create depending on the context and audience. An elevator pitch deck is typically a brief, concise presentation designed to capture attention quickly, often used in situations where time is limited. A demo day pitch deck is more polished and focused on showcasing the product, ideal for startups presenting to larger audiences or at startup events. 

Finally, a full investor meeting deck is the most comprehensive, covering all aspects of the business, including market opportunity, financials, and long-term strategy, and is often used in formal investor meetings where deeper discussions are expected. Each deck type serves a unique purpose but shares the common goal of communicating your value proposition effectively.

What should a pitch deck include?

Putting together an effective pitch deck requires striking the right balance between clarity and persuasion. A winning pitch deck isn’t about cramming in as much information as possible but about delivering the most important details in a format that’s easy to understand and compelling to your audience. A well-structured deck typically includes 10 to 12 slides that cover the essentials of your business and its potential.

The structure of a winning pitch deck

A great pitch deck is more than just a collection of slides—it’s a carefully planned narrative designed to guide investors or partners through your business model. Here are the core components that every successful pitch deck should include:

  • Problem: Define the problem your business solves. This is one of the most critical slides, as it sets the foundation for your entire pitch. Investors need to understand the pain point in the market, and why it matters.
  • Solution: After identifying the problem, present your solution. This is where you highlight your product or service and explain how it addresses the problem better than any alternatives. Focus on what makes your solution unique and why it works for that specific problem.
  • Market opportunity: Demonstrate the size of the market and the potential for growth. This section should include data on your target audience and market size, showing investors that there is a significant opportunity for success.
  • Business model: Clearly explain how your business plans to make money. Investors want to know that your idea is not just innovative, but also financially viable. Highlight key revenue streams and pricing strategies.
  • Financials: Provide an overview of your financial projections, including revenue, profit margins, and costs. Investors are particularly interested in how quickly they can expect a return on their investment. Use data and even interactive charts to make this information easy to digest, and more captivating.

While these slides form the core, it’s equally important to ensure that each slide tells a cohesive story. Balancing storytelling with data is key to keeping your audience engaged. Each slide should flow into the next, helping investors understand why they should believe in its success.

A powerful pitch deck blends narrative and analytics—compelling stories that humanize your business, backed by solid data that reinforces your claims. When done correctly, this combination keeps your audience interested and inspired, increasing your chances of securing funding or partnerships.

Pitch deck design – do’s and don’ts

The content of your pitch deck is undoubtedly important, but even the most compelling information can fall flat without strong visual design. The potential investor first notices the visuals, and a well-designed pitch deck can help ensure that your message is not only conveyed but remembered. Great design enhances both engagement and comprehension, making your presentation more effective. 

1. Focus on the visual appeal of your pitch decks

Visual appeal is not just about making your pitch deck look nice—it plays a crucial role in keeping your investors engaged and ensuring they retain the key information. Studies show that people are more likely to remember information when it’s presented visually, so the design of your pitch deck can directly influence how much your audience absorbs.

  • Design impacts engagement: A clean, visually appealing pitch deck captures attention right from the start. Using clear, impactful visuals can help you convey complex ideas in a way that’s easy to digest. Investors are busy people—using design to guide their focus ensures that they walk away with a solid understanding of your key points.
  • Branding, colors, and typography: Consistent use of branding elements such as logos, colors, and fonts makes your deck feel professional and cohesive. Your pitch deck is an extension of your brand, and it’s important that it reflects the same level of care and attention to detail as your business. Use a color palette that complements your brand while ensuring that it doesn’t overwhelm the viewer. Typography should be clear and professional—avoid overly decorative fonts that may distract from the message.

A well-designed pitch deck looks good while it also helps to communicate your ideas more effectively by supporting the narrative with visual cues.

2. Avoid common pitch deck design mistakes

While visual appeal is critical, poor design choices can have the opposite effect, making your deck confusing or overwhelming. Some of the most common mistakes can easily be avoided with thoughtful planning.

  • Overloading slides with text or data: One of the biggest mistakes in pitch deck design is cramming too much information onto each slide. Investors don’t want to read a wall of text—they want clear, concise points that are easy to understand at a glance. Similarly, overloading slides with too much data can confuse the audience. Instead, use interactive visuals like dynamic charts and graphs to simplify complex data, and leave detailed explanations for your verbal presentation.
  • Inconsistent fonts and color schemes: Using too many fonts or inconsistent colors can make your pitch deck look unprofessional and distracting. Stick to one or two fonts and a cohesive color scheme throughout the deck to maintain a clean, polished look. Inconsistent design can give the impression of disorganization, which is not what you want to convey when pitching to investors.

By following these design best practices, you ensure that your pitch deck is not only visually appealing but also easy to follow, which increases your chances of making a memorable impression on your audience.

Step-by-step guide: how to create a winning pitch deck

Creating a pitch deck can feel overwhelming, but with the right approach and tools, you can craft a compelling presentation that captures the essence of your business. Below is a simple, step-by-step guide to help you get started and build a professional pitch deck with ease.

How to begin crafting a pitch deck

Before you start designing, it’s essential to do some groundwork to ensure your deck is tailored to your audience and objectives.

Planning each slide: Once you know your audience, the next step is outlining your deck. A solid plan will help ensure your presentation flows logically and covers all the key points without overwhelming your viewers. Before diving into design, outline the content for each slide—start with the problem, solution, market opportunity, and end with financials and your call to action. This approach saves time and keeps your deck focused.

Research your audience: The first step is understanding who your audience is and what they care about most. Are they investors looking for financial returns? Potential partners interested in market potential? By knowing what your audience is looking for, you can craft a message that resonates with them and addresses their key concerns.

Crafting the perfect pitch with Flipsnack

To make the process of creating a pitch deck easier, tools like Flipsnack offer pre-designed templates and features that allow for quick customization, even if you don’t have a design background. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a pitch deck using Flipsnack:

  1. Upload PDF or select pitch deck template
    Sign up for an account on Flipsnack to upload a PDF pitch deck or browse through a wide range of pitch deck templates. Categories include: deck sales tailored for startups, investors, or product demos. Choose a template that aligns with your brand and needs.
  2. Customize your deck
    Once you’ve selected a template or uploaded a PDF, you can start customizing the new flipbook. Use Flipsnack’s easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface to modify text, add visuals, and adjust colors and fonts to match your branding. You can easily integrate your company’s logo, charts, and product images to make the deck unique.
  3. Collaborate with teammates
    One of Flipsnack’s standout features is its collaboration tools. If you’re working with a team, you can share your deck and collaborate on different sales presentations, allowing for feedback and edits without sending files back and forth. This ensures your pitch deck is polished and ready for presentation.
  4. Share pitch deck with investors using a private link
    With your pitch deck design ready, generate a password protected link and send it to your investors or partners. This way, you ensure that no outside access finds its way in, and your presentation is safely shared.
  5. Check sales deck performance
    With Flipsnack’s built-in statistics you can see if your audience reads the presentation after the meeting. Some examples include views, clicks on interactive elements, number of downloads (if enabled), and average time spent reading it.

By using Flipsnack, you not only save time but also create a professional, high-quality pitch deck that stands out and communicates your business’s value clearly.
Best practices for pitching with your deck

Once you’ve created your pitch deck, the next challenge is delivering it in a way that captivates your audience. A well-designed deck is only as good as the pitch that accompanies it, so mastering your presentation skills is essential for a successful outcome.

a) Tips for presenting your pitch deck

Effectively presenting your pitch deck requires more than just reading off slides. It’s about delivering a message that resonates with your audience while using the deck as a visual aid.

  • Deliver your pitch confidently: When presenting your deck, focus on maintaining eye contact with your audience and speaking with confidence. Your pitch should flow naturally and not feel overly rehearsed. Use your deck to guide the conversation, but make sure you’re engaging directly with your audience rather than simply narrating the slides.
  • Engage your audience with storytelling and data: A compelling pitch weaves together storytelling and data to make the business case clear and memorable. Start by telling a story that connects emotionally with your audience, whether it’s the inspiration behind your business or a relatable customer success story. Support your narrative with relevant data points that reinforce your claims, keeping your audience both emotionally and logically engaged.

b) Pitfalls to avoid during your presentation

Even with a strong pitch deck, certain presentation mistakes can undermine your message. Avoid these common pitfalls to keep your audience focused and engaged.

  • Relying too heavily on your slides: While your slides are important, they should complement your verbal presentation, not replace it. Avoid reading directly from the slides or overwhelming your audience with too much information on the screen. Your goal is to use the slides as a visual aid that highlights key points while allowing your spoken words to carry the message.
  • Not tailoring your pitch to the audience: Every pitch should be tailored to the specific audience you’re addressing. Whether you’re speaking to investors, potential clients, or partners, adjust your message to focus on what matters most to them. A one-size-fits-all approach can cause you to lose connection with your audience, so always take the time to understand their priorities and craft your pitch accordingly.

By keeping these best practices in mind, you can deliver a pitch that not only showcases your deck but also leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Pitch deck templates to customize with content and branding

A well-designed pitch deck can make a significant difference in how your business is perceived, but not everyone has the time or skills to create one from scratch. Fortunately, there are plenty of high-quality pitch deck templates available that can save time and improve the overall design of your presentation.

a) Where to find high-quality templates

When it comes to finding professional templates, there are numerous free resources online, but one of the most versatile platforms is Flipsnack. Flipsnack offers some of the best pitch deck designs that cater to different industries and design preferences. Here are a few categories you can explore on Flipsnack:

Minimalist pitch deck templates

They are characterized by clean, straightforward designs that focus on simplicity and clarity. For example, this corporate deck presentation template is designed for a fictional company’s executive teams, offering sections like company overview, products/services, financial highlights, and corporate strategy. Ideal for presenting to investors, partners, and internal teams, the template ensures clarity, professionalism, and alignment with Thunder Corporate’s strategic goals.

Startup presentation templates

This type of templates are specifically tailored for startups looking to present their ideas and growth potential to investors. This personalized startup pitch deck presentation is ideal for entrepreneurs, featuring sections like business model, market opportunity, team, financials, and growth plans. Tailored for investor or partner pitches, it provides a clear, professional, and persuasive format to effectively communicate your startup’s vision and potential for growth.

Creative pitch deck templates

For those who want a more visually engaging and dynamic presentation, these templates offer a blend of bold colors, unique layouts, and creative designs. This sales pitch deck template is crafted to help entrepreneurs sell their business ideas with impact. Designed for maximum engagement, it features interactive elements like embedded videos and dynamic photo slideshows. By highlighting your business model, market opportunity, team, and financials, this template ensures your pitch clearly conveys your company’s value and growth potential, capturing investor interest.

Using templates from Flipsnack or other platforms not only saves time but also ensures that your pitch deck maintains a professional and polished look. Templates are pre-designed by professionals, which means you can focus more on the content rather than worrying about design elements. Additionally, templates are customizable, making it easy to adapt them to fit your brand’s specific needs.

b) Customizing your template for impact

Once you’ve selected a template, the next step is to personalize it to reflect your business’s branding and message. Customizing a template allows you to maintain your brand identity while ensuring that your deck aligns with your communication goals.

  • Tailoring your template to your brand: Start by incorporating your company’s logo, colors, and fonts to make the deck feel uniquely yours. Templates are flexible, so you can easily adjust layouts, add custom images, and tweak content to match your brand voice.
  • Best practices for personalization: When customizing a template, it’s important to strike a balance between aesthetics and functionality. Use a consistent color scheme that aligns with your brand’s identity, but avoid overloading slides with too many colors or fonts. Stick to two or three fonts that are clear and professional. Additionally, use graphics and images sparingly to enhance, rather than clutter, the presentation. Ensure that the design elements you add help support your overall message and make it more memorable.

By taking the time to personalize your template thoughtfully, you can create a pitch deck that not only looks great but also effectively communicates your business’s story and value proposition.

Start building your fundable pitch deck today

Crafting a winning pitch deck is about more than just the slides you create—it’s about how you convey your message, showcase your business’s potential, and inspire confidence in your audience. The content must be clear and compelling, providing just enough information to spark interest without overwhelming the viewer. The design needs to be visually appealing and professional, enhancing your message and ensuring that your key points are easy to follow. And finally, the delivery of your pitch should be confident, engaging, and tailored to the audience you’re addressing.

By mastering these three elements—content, design, and delivery—you can create a pitch deck that not only impresses investors but also helps you achieve your business goals. Whether you’re seeking funding, pitching a partnership, or presenting your idea to clients, a strong pitch deck is your first step toward success.

If you’re ready to start building your fundable pitch deck, tools like Flipsnack make it easy to create professional, high-quality presentations. With a wide selection of customizable templates and real-time collaboration features, Flipsnack allows you to bring your vision to life quickly and effectively. Don’t wait—get started today and craft a pitch deck that captures attention, inspires action, and moves your business forward.

Debora Grosu

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