10 reasons why you should be a writer [Infographic]

By |Published On: March 6th, 2017|

When you hear the word “writer”, the first thing that pops into your mind is probably book author. However, there are many other types of writers out there: bloggers, columnists, screenplay writers, copywriters, journalists and so on.

What does it take to become a writer? All that is requiered is a little creativity and a lot of determination, because finding the right tool isn’t a problem anymore. (Flipsnack is a perfectly good solution)

The demand for writing skills is also there. If you need more reasons to convince you that you should be a writer, read the infographic below.

Are you convinced, but maybe also a little worried about your skills? Do you think you’re not creative enough? Fear not!

Aaron Orendorff, founder at iconiContent (and regular contributor at Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Business Insider, Content Marketing Institute, Huffington Post, Inc, Unbounce) thinks that “Creativity arises ‘in between.’ It’s not so much a matter of personal ingenuity or brilliance, but exposure to both the best of what you’re already passionate about and diverse sources outside your expertise.

Click the image for a larger view.

writers infographic

If you want to embed this infographic into your website, simply copy the code below, and then paste it on your site:

<div style=”clear:both”> <a href=”https://www.flipsnack.com/blog/10-reasons-to-be-a-writer-infographic/”> <img src=”https://blog.flipsnack.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/infografic-writer.png” title=“Infographic: 10 reasons why you should be a writer” alt=“Infographic: 10 reasons why you should be a writer” border=”0″ /> </a> </div> <div>Courtesy of: <a href=”https://www.flipsnack.com/blog/10-reasons-to-be-a-writer-infographic/“>Flipsnack</a></div>

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