Best page turner books to read in 2017

By |Published On: September 12th, 2017|

Today’s post is for all the passionate binge readers from out there. We’re going to talk about page turners published in 2017, and then you proceed to reading about page turners to read in 2018.

I chose to present books from different genres, so that everybody will find a great book to read, regardless of your taste in literature. My list features a dramatic novel, a thriller, a romance, a nonfiction book and a comedic memoir. Take your pick and start reading.

A page turner is a book that you simply can’t put down because it’s too interesting.

It can be a digital book or a printed one. The format doesn’t matter at all.

When I’m hooked on a novel, it’s so difficult to stop reading for even the most basic needs: sleeping or eating. I continue to read while I eat. I keep telling myself “just one more page, then I’ll put the book down and go to sleep”. But I don’t. Time flies when you read something that you like. It’s as if the book has supernatural powers to grab you and lock you inside its world.

Let’s not forget to mention that nostalgia that you feel when you finish reading a book that you enjoyed. It always makes me feel older. I don’t know why, but I feel as if I had lived and died one life in another universe. Do you ever have that feeling after a great novel?

But enough about me. Below you have the best page turner books to read this year.

1. The lucky ones by Julianne Pachico

The lucky ones

As the blurb describes it, this book is a literary jigsaw puzzle. Each chapter tells the story of another character. It’s a collection of intertwined stories, unfolding in a nonlinear way, taking place alternately over two decades: 1993-2018.
While the non-chronological storyline may be confusing at times, you have to understand that it makes sense. In a war torn country, nothing is normal or orderly.
The stories are set in Colombia and New York City, dealing with the Colombian drug wars.
The book centers on a group of high school girls and the people they are connected with in unexpected ways: drug traffickers, guerilla fighters, warlords, teachers, housekeepers and parents. By presenting all these different perspectives you get a vivid, clear understanding of what life is like in a country in the midst of the civil war. Sometimes the lines between perpetrators and heros get blurred.
Needless to say, the title is ironic, because the characters seem anything but lucky.
I promise you, this book is really hard to put down. It’s the kind that you’ll probably read in one go.

2. The lying game by Ruth Ware

The lying game

This book tells the story of 4 teenagers that start a lying game, which has 5 rules:

  1. Tell a lie
  2. Stick to your story
  3. Don’t get caught
  4. Never tell a lie to each other
  5. Know when to stop lying

This game of deceit makes local people to hate them and isolates them. When a horrible event happens, it leads to both the expulsion of the girls and the end of the lying game. Still, the girls swear to keep the event a secret and they do, for 17 years, when it resurfaces.The story is told from the perspective of one of the girls, Isa, who becomes a lawyer and a mother. Though not in contact with her friends anymore, she drops everything when she gets a text from one of the girls. It seems that their last lie has come to haunt them.
The story is a well written, intriguing psychological thriller, with many twists and suspense. You won’t be able to put it down.

3. The light we lost by Jill Santopolo

The light we lost

If you like good romances, this one is for you.
The light we lost is a great book about different types of romantic relationships, about bad timing, about choices and difficult events.
The story is told in a pseudo diary form, as Lucy looks back on the last 10 years and on the most important relationships in her life. The book is all about her inner stream of thoughts and feelings.
The story is beautifully written and you’re going to love it if you liked Me before you and One day. It will make you smile, laugh and cry.

4. Irresistible: The rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked by Adam Alter


This book is for anyone who owns a smartphone, who spends more than two hours daily at his/ her computer. It explores our behavioral addiction to technology, how it compares to other addictions, what causes it and how it is happening. It might change the way you think about technology, social media, gaming and virtual reality. After reading the last page you’ll be more mindful about the way you use these products that have been specifically developed to distract and to hook you.
Written as a mix of research data and anecdotes, the book is not just informative, it’s fascinating and slightly frightening.

5. Notes on a banana by David Leite

Notes on a banana

One of the funniest, yet profound memoirs that you’ll read this year.
The funny parts are hysterical, because the author has an incredible self-deprecating sense of humor. The writing is brave and honest, witty and endearing.
David tells his story about growing up in a Portuguese family. He writes about his family’s rich history of cooking, feasts and dysfunction. At the same time he takes you on a journey in which you find out about his struggle with mental illness and the way he tried to cope with it.
The author does an incredible job in letting readers into his world. You will be able to better understand what it is like to battle with a mental illness, because the books gives you great insight.
It’s the perfect book for book clubs, but it’s equally fantastic if you just want to read a funny and honest story.

These are some of the best page turner books published in 2017. Have you read any of these? Did you like them? What other books should’ve been part of this list? Let us know in comments!

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