What your favorite digital magazine says about you

By |Published On: October 21st, 2016|

You know what they say about food: you are what you eat. But we can take it a step further and say that you are what you read. We can tell you a little bit about what you are like, based on your preference for a certain digital magazine.

Better Homes and Gardens

Better Homes and Gardens

You have a colorful personality that shines beyond your physical presence. Your creativity is reflected in your DIY projects, home decoration, imaginative gifts and tasteful events. When you cook, it’s not enough if the food tastes good; it has to also look the part.

You’re driven by your own enthusiasm and interests.

You are an achiever and you take satisfaction from being productive and successful.

Good Housekeeping 

Good Housekeeping 

If your favorite digital magazine is Good Housekeeping, you’re most likely a woman. As a person, you are affectionate, kind and nurturing. In the same time, you’re very resourceful, practical and you get things done. People know they can count on your help and advice when they need it.

You love planning gatherings for friends and family, holidays and other happy events. When people come into your house they’ll instantly feel welcomed.

National Geographic

National Geographic

National Geographic is a magazine that everybody loves, but if you’d pick it over all the others, that says something about you. You are a down to earth person who doesn’t care that much about trends. You care about people, real life stories, environment and making the world a better place. If that involves traveling, exploring new (breathtaking) places or cultures, that’s even better.

The world is for discovery. You’re amazed by the beauty of nature, wildlife and science. You appreciate quality journalism and photography.

Sports Illustrated

 Sports Illustrated

We know that most Sports Illustrated fans are men, so we’re gonna bet on that. We think that you are a successful person who leads an active lifestyle. Your passion is not limited to sports. You live your life with intensity and you’re determined to make the most of it. Some people see you as impulsive, but your friends admire you for your energy.

You’re interested in the news, socialization and entertainment.



By reading this digital magazine you tell us that you’re interested in lots of things. You probably like the People magazine for the mix of information and entertainment.

You like to know stuff about fashion trends, celebrity gossip, news and about people in general. In your group of friends there’s never a moment when you don’t know what to say. You are optimistic and unassuming, which makes you a pleasurable person to have around. You see the best in people.



You are a busy business person who is well educated and well informed about current events. You read the news daily, so you know the ongoing political and economic issues. You like to get new insights on current stories, international events and technology and enter debates on such topics.

In your personal life you are ambitious, career driven and practical.



We can tell right off the bat you that you’re a woman or you’re in touch with your feminine side. For you shopping is a fun relaxing activity that should happen as often as possible. You’re easygoing, witty and ambitious. You know what is trendy and what isn’t. You have your own fashion style and you know that “peach” is not just a fruit (it’s also a color).

You tend to see life in a positive life and try your best to stay healthy, young and attractive.

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