11 things you probably didn’t know you could do with Flipsnack

By |Published On: June 2nd, 2023|

When you’re searching for the best marketing software available online, you’ll most likely run into a gazillion articles going on and on about how this or that software is the best. However, we consider this review necessary because, as a dynamic company, we listen to our customers’ requests. Many of them requested that we implement some features that are already incorporated into our tool. So, with some of these flipbook snacks, you can get the best results for your Flipsnack flipbook. 

While many people think of Flipsnack as a magazine maker, our tool is slightly more complex than that. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so you can’t know everything about how to use Flipsnack in a day. This is how this article came along. We considered it would be helpful for you if we underline some things you might not know you can do with Flipsnack. 

With that out of the way, let’s get over the basics of what Flipsnack is. Once that is done, we’ll review some lesser-known features, or flipbook snacks, that you can be use in Flipsnack for your project’s benefit. So, let’s get into it, shall we?

What is Flipsnack?

The simplest way to define Flipsnack is as a tool that anyone can use to transform any basic, static, and uninteresting publication into an engaging, dynamic, and digital flipbook. The statement underlines that anyone can use it because no coding or design skills are necessary to create amazing marketing materials for professional or personal use. From wedding invitations to corporate training documents, you can enhance anything through countless interactions. You can add videos, forms, shopping widgets, slide shows, and more through a simple drag-and-drop.

The tool is intuitive and incredibly easy for digital enhancements not available in PDFs or other non-interactive formats. Still, there are more ways to improve a Flipsnack flipbook through features already implemented in the software. Security, engagement metrics, multiple sharing options, and custom links are some of them, but we’ll get to them soon. Let’s give you a short introduction to using Flipsnack.

How to use Flipsnack flipbooks?

Once you have a Flipsnack account (free or subscription), you’ll have access to the software’s features based on your account. You can bring any written digital content to Flipsnack and watch as it transforms into a flippable digital and interactive material. As the fastest PDF converter on the market, Flipsnack allows you to upload a ready-made PDF with your content, customize a designer-made template or create your flipbook from scratch. The PDF conversion to HTML5 flipbook adds interactivities to optimize your content’s engagement, like hyperlinks, and you can add videos over pictures to add a spark to the content.

Through our flipbook maker, you can create interactive flipbooks of many types. You can choose different sizes for a Flipsnack magazine, brochure, catalog, or other digital materials. Now, let’s get to some flipbook snacks that may not be as familiar as the PDF to flipbook converter.

11 things you probably didn’t know you could do with Flipsnack

  1. Keep the URL, edit the content
  2. Know your readers through statistics
  3. Make your flipbooks visible to anyone
  4. Share your private flipbooks securely
  5. Bring views and clicks to your website
  6. Order directly from the catalog
  7. Automate content population
  8. Promote brand awareness through custom links
  9. Send branded emails every time
  10. Generate leads through interactive forms
  11. Search flipbooks for the info you need

Let’s take them one by one and get into more details.

1. Keep the URL, edit the content

One of the worst things possible is when you share a document you’ve been working on with your manager and realize, only after you send it, that there are a plethora of mistakes within the document. This will no longer be an issue once you use Flipsnack flipbooks. Maybe you overlooked something while designing your digital brochure or missed a few typos in your digital newspaper before sending it. Don’t worry about it.

Just go back into your Flipsnack flipbook and make the necessary edits. Once those changes are done, save the flipbook. This will automatically update the flipbooks for those you already share them with. They won’t even get notified of the changes, and it will be like it never happened.

Similarly, imagine you have a digital catalog with countless products to update,occasionally as new products become available or prices change. You won’t need to create a new catalog every single time something in your product list changes. Instead, you can update the information to activate sales and discounts or add new products. Then save it; the URL will be the same for the updated flipbook. Readers, clients, or viewers can save the URL and check it for updated information whenever needed.

2. Know your readers through statistics

Measure Flipsnack flipbook engagement metrics

Aside from the frustration of having to download the content or wait for it to load, basic digital content, like PDFs, have no engagement metrics you can check. This stops once you convert it into a Flipsnack flipbook. Through integrated statistics from Flipsnack, you can keep track of the following metrics:

  • Views;
  • Impressions;
  • Time spent engaging with the flipbook by page or element. 

Due to this constant stream of feedback that you can check at any time, you can optimize your flipbook’s content based on the analysis of those metrics. 

Through Flipsnack statistics, you’ll see how your readers interact with your digital flipbook and what parts of your material retain their attention the most. This tells you what they liked the most, so you can improve your content and cater to your readers for the following publication. If you know what they like best within your flipbook, you can create more content that engages your audience the most. You will also be able to tell if all the interested parties indeed read a company report. So whether they only skimmed the content or not, you’ll know if their opinion is adequately informed. It’s an excellent tool to have for both situations.

3. Make your flipbooks visible to anyone

Public sharing options

Marketing deals with promotional materials and their distribution to their target audience. That changed, however, how we think of the distribution part of marketing. From sending publications through the post office to sending them via chat services, we have come a long way, but here we are. Today’s digital marketing tools offer various platforms and ways to share PDFs online. For example, you can share Flipsnack flipbooks publicly in every way you can imagine:

  • Direct link;
  • Social Media;
  • E-mail;
  • QR code.

We’ll start with the basic link . This is generated when you publish, let’s say, a digital magazine. You can simply copy and share the link through any messaging or social media app, add the Flipsnack magazine as a link in an article, or include an anchor text. Allow your viewer to experience one presentation mode or another, on any device, with just one click. This offers a more immersive experience for readers. You can even send a Flipsnack flipbook through e-mail by customizing it. Bulky attachments or downloads that only make the sharing and receiving process more tedious are a thing of the past.

Last but certainly not least, there’s the QR code. One of the simplest and increasingly popular options is the flipbook snack we held for later. Yes, with Flipsnack, you can generate a QR code for your flipbook, share it online, or print it. For that, when you have a presentation with loads of people and want to ensure that they have access to your promotional materials, just post the printed QR somewhere easy to access, or have it on your mobile display for anyone to be able to scan it.

4. Share your private flipbooks securely

SSO for readers of Flipsnack flipbooks

Information leaks and the potential risk of corporate espionage may sound like out of a spy movie, but privacy and security are very important in the age of technology. While you share some documents, materials, and presentations, others are private. Nowadays, entire websites are cloned, and mountains of data are stolen through unencrypted and open-access systems. Hacking, of course, is another reason why companies are looking for more secure sharing options. Company reports or training courses can contain confidential information. These documents should be accessible to some while remaining inaccessible to those without the necessary permissions.

There are several ways to grant or restrict access to Flipsnack flipbook when publishing it:

Unlisted publishing makes your flipbook invisible to search engines or unwanted eyes. Others can see your flipbook only if you give them the URL. Password-protecting your Flipsnack flipbook makes it unopenable by anyone without the correct password. Publishing your flipbook as private makes it accessible to those whose email address you include when sharing it or by only allowing workspace readers to see them. Lastly, the SSO option, or single-sign-on, gives viewers or readers access to flipbooks through company credentials.

As a side-note, you can restrict flipbook embeds to one website, or you can make your entire profile private so people can only access your flipbook if you share it with them.

5. Bring views and clicks to your website

Boost website traffic

A digital flipbook catalog has a variety of information. From pictures to product descriptions, price tags, slide shows, videos, and size variety, not to mention written content, but more on that later. If you don’t want to overcrowd your flipbook and are also interested in boosting website traffic, there’s another way. 

You can increase your website’s traffic through external linking. For example, hyperlinks placed on words or pictures of products can take the flipbook’s readers to your website’s product page. There, they’ll be able to find even more details about what they are interested in buying, and you’ll get your influx of new unique visitors. 

You can also embed your Flipsnack flipbook on your website. By doing this, visitors will access flipbooks directly on your website, and since the flipbook will also be very interactive, it will boost engagement even more.

Something else that can be embedded on your website is your virtual Flipsnack bookshelf, another flipbook snack we have. Like this, your readers can access your flipbooks from your website, displaying them in an electronic and aesthetically pleasing representation of a bookshelf.

6. Order directly from the catalog

If you already have an ecommerce product catalog, we have some other flipbook snacks that might be useful for your product catalogs. Any retail or wholesale business deals with different purchasing systems. Whether they are brick-and-mortar shops, interior design companies, or large children’s toy manufacturers, these businesses take orders from customers or other stakeholders. Efficient order processing is crucial to ensure smooth deliveries, and having the right custom manufacturing software can streamline these operations effectively, preventing potential delivery issues.

Through a Flipsnack flipbook, businesses can organize their ordering systems while customers only have to click on an integrated button in the catalog. And, regarding catalogs, would your clients prefer a scented page or an interactive page with implemented shopping lists right there on your website? If you add a shopping list to your catalog, your clients won’t even leave your page to email you the order. After selecting the desired products from your catalog in the size, color, and flavor they want, they only need to send the order, and you will receive it in your email.

Furthermore, you can analyze your order statistics as they start coming in. Flipsnack allows you to track shopping list statistics for individual product catalogs and your whole collection. The shopping list feature will speed up your company’s wholesale process while your customers enjoy an immersive shopping experience in one interactive flipbook catalog. No more miscommunication between you and your customers or orders lost in the mail.

7. Automate content population

Populating a product catalog with your entire product list can take time and effort. Instead of wasting precious time manually filling in all the desired details about each individual product, why not automate the whole process? In Flipsnack, you can upload your product list from various data sources and fill in the desired information about each product through a simple drag and drop. Then, all you need is the actual list of products with their information. This can be a CSV or XLSX file, but you can also connect to a Google spreadsheet.

You can use a ready-made catalog template that’s already automated or design your own from scratch. Include branding elements to ensure consistency, and in no time, you’ll have created an exhaustive product catalog for your business. In addition, designing an automated catalog will reduce production costs by reducing catalog creation costs, regardless of how many versions there are. 

These catalogs will need fewer corrections related to content mistakes or brand consistency. As they are digital, any product updates can be applied within the catalog due to the synchronized function between the flipbook and the file with the details. Like that, clients that already have your digital catalog can simply refresh, and the information will be synced.

Make sure that nobody can misinterpret your marketing strategy and materials. By using Flipsnack, you can eliminate any elements that make it look like you use a third-party marketing tool or software for your materials. Ensure that your company’s name and brand elements stand out in your promotional materials by subscribing to the Business Plus plan or up. URLs are the most overlooked parts of any digital marketing material, but if you want to make sure that every part of your flipbook is branded, don’t disregard it. Your URL will lose all Flipsnack signs for your profile page and flipbooks through white labeling

As part of our white-label solution, you can implement a custom subdomain to make all your digital publications look custom-built. The link to your public profile and flipbooks will only show the name of your choice, and you’ll be able to set a branded URL, as well as brand logos, colors, accent colors, customized emails, and other brand features. This will provide your customers with the ultimate branding experience while eliminating the third party and the confusion that comes with it. 

The best part about this is that you will send traffic to your website by setting up this custom domain. Before you start worrying, integrated Flipsnack statistics will continue to provide insightful reports about readers’ engagement.

9. Send branded emails every time

Create beautiful emails

Instead of a bulky email as your weekly company news, imagine getting one with a flippable newsletter inside. Turn the pages and enjoy the interactions instead of scrolling through the novel-length email to get to the parts that interest you. Every newsletter tries to include as much relevant information in a single email as possible. Unfortunately, this makes most of them difficult and time-consuming to read. Spending hours working on the content of a newsletter just to have it go to waste isn’t very effective. That is why Flipsnack’s flipbooks are so effective and easy to do. 

Increasing your email’s open rate has never been easier. Imagine sending a compact flipbook newsletter that’s highly interactive and engaging. Your contact list will look forward to every email you send them. To make emails even more appealing, you can also personalize them with brand elements like logos, background and accent colors, and editable email headers. The best thing about this is that it can apply to any Flipsnack flipbooks you share, like digital portfolios or travel brochures, as we mentioned in the first section.

Your emails will become brand ambassadors. People will associate the professional design of your emails with your brand. Couple that with professionally designed flipbooks full of professional and relevant content, and your business growth will be directly proportional to your customers. Maintain your brand identity throughout your communication channels to increase brand awareness and boost your business with lead-generating content.

10. Generate leads through interactive forms

When you transform any physical or digital material into a flipbook, interactivity is one of the biggest differences. However, while including videos, GIFs, slide shows, music, YouTube videos, or links are all fine and dandy, those are just easy on the eyes and make the content more engaging. If lead generation is your goal, and it fails to be achieved, it’s all in vain. 

Also, not all content can be as interactive as a digital fashion magazine. Ebooks, courses, or long-text format documents can’t include videos because they wouldn’t fit the document’s purpose and format. For example, if you send your stakeholders a financial report, animated media wouldn’t fit well. 

One of the most useful features for businesses is our interactive lead forms. These can be placed anywhere in the flipbook or even as access granting forms, permitting access to the flipbook. They help you gather information about your readers that you can store and later use to increase lead generation and design an even more on-point reader persona. 

In these forms, you can ask simple “yes” or “no” questions or complex inquiries, but you can also ask for details about their demographics, or simply if they read other works you published and request their email addresses, as that will help with lead generation the most. This, in turn, will help you improve your audience targeting by narrowing your audience pool and sharpening your aim. If you understand your audience better, you can give them more of what they like. Understand the demand and satisfy it.

11. Search flipbooks for the info you need

Integrated content search feature

What’s the first thing you do when you want a quick answer to a general question? You’re Googling it. Now, I don’t want to sing praises to Google. But Google Search is the world’s most popular search engine. We are not trying to compete with that, but have you ever wanted to find a particular section in a document only to grow frustrated, flipping pages back and forth to find the exact page on which what you’re looking for is mentioned? Well, set your frustrations on the back seat because in Flipsnack, you can just look for it like any online digital content. However, unlike the too-well-known Ctrl+F function, this search will only focus on the content within a flipbook, ignoring everything else on the page.

Firstly, you can access the flipbook search bar in the main dashboard. In this section, you can search your flipbooks by their name. So, if you have an extensive collection of flipbooks and don’t want to scroll through them whenever you need one, you can just search for them. Secondly, you can activate the search bar for the flipbook’s content within each flipbook. So, suppose your readers finished reading your 279-page report on “Economic risks in times of crisis” and want to find the paragraph in which you covered necessary agricultural investments. In that case, they can find it by typing “agricult” … they probably won’t even need to type the whole word, and the search function will deliver, optimized for a better reading experience.


It’s been quite a journey presenting all these hidden gems, but we don’t want you to miss out on their benefits. While some of the features available in Flipsnack flipbooks are obvious and hard to miss, others are less flashy but have a big impact. Using the features mentioned above will help your business grow in revenue and customer satisfaction. In addition, you will understand your customers better, and they will enjoy an enhanced reading experience.

Marketing is a dynamic system, and understanding its finer aspect makes the difference between designing a nice-looking flipbook and improving your entire marketing strategy. Flipsnack gives you all these features, but it’s up to you if you use them. Even Adobe can be used only for shrinking images, but that would also be a waste considering everything you can do with the tool. Most importantly, you should have fun with it. Test it out and see what comes out. Still, if you test things out to actually improve your marketing strategy, the results will surprise you.


  1. Marisa Kenson July 20, 2018 at 5:45 am - Reply


    • Jani July 26, 2018 at 9:47 am - Reply

      Could you please provide us a few more details about what you would like to present in your Facebook live?

      • MARISA KENSON August 3, 2018 at 2:58 am - Reply


        • Jani August 23, 2018 at 3:19 pm - Reply

          sorry for the late reply. You can use the share screen option in Facebook and then simply start flipping through the book on Flipsnack.

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