2018 Year in review

By |Published On: December 26th, 2018|

2018 is almost over. There are still a few days left, so we’ve decided to spend what’s left of this year by looking back and celebrating our accomplishments. In other words, it’s that time of the year when we publish our year in review infographic. We’re sharing our successes with you, so we can celebrate together. After all, we’ve taken this journey together and we wouldn’t want to want it any other way! You have been amazing and we’re grateful!

2018 has been undoubtedly our best year yet. We’ve been incredibly busy, but we’ve seen great results on all fronts. Our team has grown in numbers and learned new skills. We developed many new features and improved the overall site functionality. We’ve seen so many of you join our platform this year and we had many helpful conversations with you.

We loved to see your work. Your amazing catalogs, magazines, newsletters, portfolios, reports, photo albums, school projects were an inspiration for us all. We often can’t wait to hear from you after a new release or see how you’re using our latest features.

We’ve also loved to see you succeed with Flipsnack. Some of your flipbooks have taken up the first positions in search results for relevant search queries and, as a result, you had a lot of traffic on your catalogs. Others have set their publications for sale and have already started to make money with our selling publications program. Some of you told us that you love seeing engagement on your catalogs on Flipsnack.

We’re happy for every one of you and we’d love to celebrate all your successes, big and small.
We hope to help you achieve even better results in the year to come.

Now let’s take a look at our 2018 highlights infographic:

infographic 2018 year in review

What are your own dreams and wishes for 2019?

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