School fundraising ideas to take into consideration

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It’s almost summertime and children all over the world are impatiently waiting for the great holiday. But do you know what else makes them really happy and eager in this period of time? The school fundraising events that usually take place at the end of the school year. Whether the students are fundraising money for trips, school books or for charity events; they are all cooperating together for a good cause.

Especially in these difficult times, getting creative with raising money for a good cause, can be a good exercise.
There’s no better way to instill a passion for kindness and compassion than by giving students school fundraising ideas – and this is an activity that applies to students of all ages.

Many people are not aware of the fact that there are many benefits to fundraising, aside from raising money. Students gain valuable leadership and communication skills, confidence and determination. That’s because fundraisers, in general, require students to work together in order to create something great. They also become conscious about the importance of community, responsibility and caring about others.

If you’re a teacher or a student, then you know for sure how hard is to come up with the perfect school fundraising idea. An idea that’s both interesting and fun, and one that doesn’t repeat year after year. You want students to do something new and to also have fun while learning how to make money. No need to stress anymore about this subject, because today’s article gives you a list of noteworthy school fundraising ideas. So, get inspired!

Important: some of these activities can be easily adapted to be done online. Inspire other students and teachers and get creative this year!

Top 5 brilliant school fundraising ideas:

1. Organize a talent show

school fundraising ideas talent show

One of the most entertaining school fundraising ideas is to let children demonstrate their talent while having fun. No matter if it’s singing, dancing, acting or drawing; organize a talent show where they can prove their abilities. Every parent, grandparent, brother or sister will want to come and see their loved little ones performing in a play or being part of a musical concert. Selling tickets to the show is a really great way to raise funds for the school’s needs or maybe for a more noble cause such as the poor children from Africa. Make sure that all the viewers know that the money is going to a specific cause.

To spice things up a little bit, allow teachers, secretaries or even the principle to participate. The whole show will be more fun, trust me! This talent contest is also a nice method to find out children’s hidden abilities and passions. And who knows, maybe you’ll be that one teacher who helps them fructify their special talents.

2. Throw a clothing sale or food sale fundraiser

school fundraising idea yard sale

What better idea to raise some money for charity events than hosting a clothing sale or a food sale? Or, why not combine these two together? I think everybody has got some old clothes, accessories, shoes or other stuff that they don’t like or need anymore. It’s a really great idea to donate them for a noble cause, don’t you think? Hosting a school-wide yard sale is a fun way to make money while jettisoning various items. Tell students, parents, teachers and even the principal to bring in unwanted goods to sell and let the bargain shopping begin!

You can also mix the clothing sale fundraiser with a goodies sale. Cook or bake something tasty at home and bring it in to brag about it! Sell your delicious cookies or refreshing lemonade together with the bargains. Maybe people will get hungry or thirsty while looking through so many clothes and shoes, so why not help them in this regard? And you can also make more money if you choose to combine these two school fundraising ideas.

If you want to throw the most successful yard sale ever, then you should definitely spread the news through some fundraiser event flyer. Choose this amazing event program template from Flipsnack, customize it to your own liking and share it with everybody. You won’t regret it!

Fundraiser Event Flyer Template
Edit this template by simply clicking on the image!

3. Organize a spelling bee contest

spelling bee contest

No matter our age, we all love contests, and we like them even more when we win them, right? That’s why the next school fundraising idea is suitable for students, parents and even teachers. Organize a spelling bee contest for everybody! It’s brain-training fun for the entire school. Be it a child, parent or teacher, anyone should feel free to participate and demonstrate their spelling talent. This is an activity that’s more appropriately done in teams rather than as individuals because the competition is more fierce and the win is sweeter when it’s shared with loved ones. This type of game can be held in the schoolyard or on the playing field, it depends on the weather. The difficulty of the words should be scaled by the ages of the participants, and there should be words from all areas.

If you want to juice up the game even more, you should put the kids to test their parents and teachers. The spelling bee contest is a great competition idea to raise money through entry fees, donations or tickets, and it’s all done in an educational way!

4. Set up a dance-a-thon or a bike-a-thon

school fundraising ideas dance-a-thon

Transform students’ favorite activities into a fundraising event. Set up a dance-a-thon or a bike-a-thon marathon and let them have fun while raising money for a noble cause. Besides being fun activities, they are also great exercises for our physical education goals. All the participants will ride or dance to a common goal, be it fundraising money for trips, natural disasters or poverty. They will not only fight to obtain victory, but also learn together about altruism and humanity. Parents and teachers could also ride or dance alongside students, or simply encourage them from the bench. The whole activity will be sponsored by families and friends, who will donate money to encourage the success of their loved ones. It’s a win-win on both sides! Next time you have to think of some amazing school fundraising ideas, don’t forget to mention this one, too.

If you want to raise funds for underprivileged kids and want to gather as many people as possible to earn a considerable quantity of money, then you should promote this activity with this fundraising & charity brochure template from Flipsnack. With a simple drag-and-drop editor you can customize this template to your own content and spread it everywhere. Try it and tell us what you think!

Fundraising & Charity Brochure Template
Click on the picture to edit this template!

5. Throw a school sleepover

school fundraising ideas sleepover

Aaaand I saved the best school fundraising idea for the final part! Such a pity that I’m not a student anymore and I can’t come up with this amazing activity suggestion.

The fun part of being a student is getting to experience school outside of regular “school times”, that’s why it’s a great idea to have a fundraiser that allows students to spend their nights at school with their colleagues. The best rooms that could work for sleeping areas are cafeterias, gymnasiums, and libraries. Tell every student’s parents to bring bedding and pyjamas and the school will provide fun activities, games, movies, and snacks for the pupils. Charge a small fee for this initiative and I assure you that it will be worth every penny to parents. Their children will enjoy a great night with their friends while they will have that night off. And let’s not forget that any profit goes towards the school’s fundraising needs. Such a great time to be a student, right?

Fundraising is an incredible opportunity to engage the whole school in a great project. It can be fun and educational and everybody can be a part of it. Even more than this, school fundraising ideas can boost the development and character of the students and unite them through efficient social activities.

If you did an amazing fundraising with your school that you’re really proud of and want to share it with others, then you should write everything about it within this fundraising report template from Flipsnack. Present the whole concept, put some impressive images, write testimonials…feel free to add whatever you want, our user-friendly editor allows you to customize the template to your own liking. When you’re done, share it online with the entire world or spread the printed version to whomever you want.

Fundraising Report Template
Edit this template by clicking on it!

Fundraising has never been more entertaining and beneficial! Choose Flipsnack to make it even more outstanding!

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