By |Published On: September 26th, 2017|

Today’s case study is based on a short interview we had with Joey Bluel, who works for a youth organization called STUDENTLIFE.
We just noticed the modern brochure he recently published, so we decided to talk to him about STUDENTLIFE and about the way he uses Flipsnack to promote it. We emailed him and asked him a few questions, and he was kind enough to reply back.

We hope you’ll find some inspiration in reading about how others use our tool. It might give you new ideas about types of content that you can create or how to promote your flipbooks.

What is STUDENTLIFE and how was it formed?

STUDENTLIFE is a youth organization for middle and high school students. We like to say that we are a “place for everyone” A place for everyone to experience the love of Jesus, a place for everyone to find life-giving relationships, a place for everyone to pursue God-given purpose. We are a place for students to create life long memories, have a crazy fun time, and find purpose!

Why did you decide to make an online booklet about your organization?

We know that the majority of people looking to find information on STUDENTLIFE are looking online. Having an online booklet sets us apart with the level of quality it provides.

studentlife booklet

Does it run in both print and digital? Why?

It runs both print and digital. Because we meet weekly, it is an easy step for us to hand our students and parents the booklets. The online booklet gives us the oppourintiy to share what we have going on with people that have not yet been with us, or do not yet have a print copy of our booklet.

How did you find Flipsnack and what convinced you to use our tool?

I did some research, and testing with various online booklet options. I really struggled with the majority of them. It was either too difficult to use/create a booklet of my mine, or it was incredibly expensive. I found Flipsnack by researching and trying out various options, and was conceived to use Flipsnack because of its user-friendly website, and fair pricing.

How important is it for your STUDENTLIFE to have an online presence?

It is incredibly important for STUDENTLIFE to have an online presence. Our website and social media is the number one way we get info out to people, and without it, we wouldn’t be able to do all that we do.

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