Printed vs digital employee benefits guides – reach, engage, and delight your collaborators

By |Published On: May 15th, 2024|


For decades, employee benefits booklets have served as fundamental tools for organizations to communicate the perks and privileges available to their workforce. Traditionally, these booklets were distributed between insurance brokers and companies in print format. Then they evolved to Word and PDF templates being sent by mail. However, with the landscape of communication rapidly evolving, it’s only natural that employee benefits distribution evolves with it. Where does the industry stand now when it comes to printed vs digital employee benefits guides?

In this article, we’ll explore the impact of digital booklets versus traditional printed ones on the success of companies. We will also look at what this means for insurance brokers. How can they gain more leverage and visibility in a highly competitive market by switching to digital publishing?

Join us as we navigate the printed vs digital employee booklets debate. Discover the potential of digital formats in modern benefits communication below.

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Print vs digital employee benefits guides – which one is more efficient? 

Employee benefits packages are a collection of non-wage compensations that employers provide to employees in addition to their normal salaries or wages. These benefits can vary widely between companies and industries, but they generally include several common elements designed to enhance the well-being and financial security of employees.

They play a crucial role in attracting, retaining, and engaging talent within organizations. In a recent analysis run by Flair HR, 22% of employees leave their jobs seeking better benefits. On the other hand, 17% say benefit packages are their main reason for staying with their current company. 

With such a big impact on employee attraction and retention strategies, one might wonder how benefit packages can become even more effective. What can insurance brokers do better to ensure the success of their collaborators?

Digital employee benefits booklets offer several advantages over their printed counterparts. Firstly, they provide a dynamic and interactive platform for presenting benefits information, allowing employees to easily navigate and explore their options. Secondly, digital booklets can be updated in real-time, ensuring that employees always have access to the latest benefits information.

In contrast, printed employee benefits booklets are static and limited in scope. They require costly printing and distribution processes, making it challenging to keep them up-to-date with changes in benefits offerings.

Understanding the unique characteristics of digital and printed employee benefits booklets is crucial for organizations looking to optimize their benefits communication strategies. By leveraging digital solutions, companies can enhance employee engagement, improve accessibility, and streamline the benefits enrollment process.

Personalized outreach for stronger relationship building in printed vs digital employee benefits guides

Employee preferences regarding benefits vary widely, with millennials often prioritizing work flexibility and non-traditional perks. Other employees place greater value on traditional benefits such as health insurance and well-being discounts. In contrast, during open enrollment periods, home and auto insurance emerge as crucial benefits for many employees. 

This diversity in preferences underscores the importance of personalized benefit guides, which cater to the individual needs and interests of employees.

The trend towards personalized benefits is gaining traction, with many companies recognizing its significance in employee retention. Personalization involves aligning benefits with each employee’s unique interests and life goals, with a particular emphasis on promoting work-life balance. 

As a broker, understanding and addressing employees’ specific desires is the most important thing. 

However, imagine printing personalized employee benefits guides for each company that you’re trying to attract. The costs of printing are already through the roof, so this would only add to the burden. 

With digital booklets, however, you can send personalized booklets to the companies and also customize each of them with your target company’s logo and branding to make it more appealing. 

Real-time updates for more efficient distribution

In the realm of employee benefits, the limitations of printed materials are obvious. Once a physical booklet is printed, any revisions or updates mean costly reprints and lowering the agility of adapting to the evolving workforce needs.

But digital employee benefits guides? They’re a game-changer. With them, you can make updates instantly, without spending much money. 

Picture this: you’re an insurance broker looking to collaborate with as many companies as possible. These companies have employees with different needs located across the state. Trying to keep printed booklets updated for everyone would be a real headache. But with digital tools like Flipsnack, it can become a breeze.

Sure, printed paper has its charm but when it comes to internal communications within the organization, employees prefer digital technology. An organization will be printing out employee handbooks and employee benefits guides every time a new person comes on board. They will flip through it once, then keep it on their desks until it is appropriate to toss it away.  

This is why you must provide the company with as many digital resources as possible, and make them user-friendly and interactive. 

Digital booklets are accessible anytime, anywhere, making it easy for employees to access important benefits information whenever they need it. Whether employees work remotely, travel, or simply prefer to access information on their mobile devices, digital flipbooks provide the flexibility and convenience they need. With Flipsnack, employees can access the booklet from any device with an internet connection. This way everyone has access to the information they need, regardless of their location.

It’s far more efficient and effective to create employee benefits guides that can be edited at all times, enhanced with links, videos, or GIFs, and, most importantly shared internally, in the most secure way. 

Insightful analytics for better collaboration

When it comes to analytics and tracking, digital employee benefits booklets offer a wealth of valuable insights over printed ones. Analytics can help HR teams optimize their benefits communication strategies and improve employee engagement. 

Flipsnack’s robust analytics and tracking features provide organizations with detailed metrics on how employees are interacting with the booklet, allowing for data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

  1. Engagement metrics: Flipsnack’s analytics dashboard provides HR teams with key engagement metrics, such as the number of views, time spent on each page, and the most frequently accessed sections. By analyzing these metrics, HR teams can gain valuable insights into which benefits are most popular among employees, which sections may need further clarification or promotion, and where there may be opportunities to enhance engagement.
  1. Conversion tracking: For digital booklets with interactive elements such as links to enrollment forms or benefits providers’ websites, Flipsnack’s conversion tracking feature allows HR teams to monitor user interactions and track conversions in real-time. This enables organizations to assess the effectiveness of their call-to-action buttons, measure the success of enrollment campaigns, and identify any bottlenecks in the conversion process.

Templates and team collaboration for print vs. digital employee benefits guides

We already went through some of the main reasons why it’s important to create and distribute your content digitally. As an insurance broker, you’re making your client’s life simpler, placing you in front of competitors. 

But there are real benefits even for you as an insurance broker once you go digital. With an employee benefits booklet builder like Flipsnack, you can leverage the simplicity of creating your benefit guides in collaboration with other teammates

Working on many different projects can get quite stressful at times. Things can get unorganized easily, especially when you work on multiple projects with other colleagues or contributors. To simplify this and give an extra advantage over creating templates in Word or PowerPoint, Flipsnack created workspaces

A workspace is a dedicated space where one or more people can work on a specific project. You can assign roles and limit editing capabilities while getting everyone’s input before sending an employee benefits package to your clients. 

One extra advantage of creating your booklets in workspaces is that you can, later on, save them as branded templates with brand elements locked and in place, and then reuse them every time you need them.

Going digital – a win-win-win situation for everyone involved

Digital employee benefits guides offer employees greater accessibility, allowing them to access important benefits information anytime, anywhere, from any device. This enhanced accessibility leads to better-informed decisions and increased satisfaction among employees. 

For insurance brokers, digital guides streamline communication. Through them they can easily share updated benefits information with clients and provide personalized recommendations based on their unique needs. 

Additionally, digital guides offer companies a cost-effective and efficient way to communicate benefits information to employees, eliminating the need for costly printing and distribution processes. By going digital, all parties benefit from improved communication, greater efficiency, and enhanced satisfaction. This turns into a win-win-win solution for everyone involved.

Go digital with Flipsnack

Switching from print to digital is the right answer for every insurance broker company willing to stay agile and competitive. 

But what does digital mean? Is it a PowerPoint presentation sent via email? Is it a Word template or a PDF document distributed through WhatsApp?

These solutions are handy but could be improved in terms of interactivity, versatility, security, and ease of distribution. 

Enter flipbooks created with tools like Flipsnack. With them, you can easily create, distribute, and protect your digital documents on the same platform. Flipsnack empowers organizations to transform their static PDF booklets into dynamic digital experiences. 

With Flipsnack’s intuitive design tools and customizable templates, companies can create visually appealing and interactive digital booklets that resonate with employees. From embedding videos and interactive quizzes to tracking engagement metrics, Flipsnack offers a range of features to elevate benefits communication to new heights.

Flippable booklets also provide valuable insights into employee engagement and interaction with the content. With Flipsnack’s analytics and tracking features, HR teams can monitor how employees are engaging with the booklet, which sections are most popular, and where there may be opportunities for improvement. Insurance brokers can also see how their associates interact with the offers they’re giving them during the open enrollment period. They can also give a heads-up to the HR teams on how well-received their guidelines are.  

This data can help organizations refine their benefits communication strategies and ensure that employees are getting the most out of the booklet.

Flipsnack helps businesses create digital booklets that convert. Your business can turn away from print to digital and create an interactive experience for your collaborators with Flipsnack’s digital solution. 

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