25+ real estate marketing tools that work wonders in 2024

By |Published On: February 17th, 2023|

Real estate marketing tools have come a long way in recent years. Not too long ago, in order to shop for a house, you had to drive around, looking for the “For sale” sign, and make an appointment. Now, things are much different. The digital age has laid the perfect path for real estate agents and agencies alike to really reach the most ideal audience.

In 2024, a real estate agent uses digital marketing tools like a fireman uses an ax. They are vital tools to getting the job done, and should never be overlooked. Every avenue of a real estate business could be optimized with a digital tool.

Today, we’re going to break down 10 of the best real estate marketing tools that you can use to sell a house. Some of these tools might be obvious, but some of them might be considered a little less conventional. Nevertheless, all of them are powerful tools in their given field, and you definitely need to know how to use them for your own benefit.

There’s a lot to get through, so here’s a quick summary of the subjects we’ll go over for real estate marketing tools:

Feel free to click and jump to each section. Now, let’s get started.

Real estate marketing tools for content

Content is the way of the future. In just 5 short years, the industry has grown to be worth $412 billion. Why? Because it works! Creating high-value content is an incredibly powerful way for businesses to reach customers by providing information that they need. That’s why most businesses online have blogs, create marketing ebooks, and inject highly searched keywords based on their industry into their website.

Here is a rundown of 5 helpful tools that you can use to enhance your content marketing strategy in real estate.

  1. SEMrush
  2. WordPress
  3. Magisto
  4. Moz
  5. Flipsnack


SEMrush is a staple for content marketers around the world. It’s a tool that helps recognize, analyze, and optimize SEO efforts within an organization. Whether you’re new to the SEO scene or a hardened veteran, SEMrush provides you with all the tools you need.

semrush homepage screenshot

SEMrush gives you a clear overview of your site’s keywords and even gives you insight into new keywords that you have the potential to rank for. This is incredibly important for anyone making content online, but especially for real estate agents looking to sell houses.

Here at Flipsnack, we use SEMrush for our own SEO marketing strategy. To say that we’re pleased with the outcome is an understatement. Check out this video to see exactly how we use it.

Don’t forget that you can always sign up for a SEMrush free trial. Test all these features and more.


If you’ve ever worked with a blog, odds are that you know what WordPress is. For content marketing in general, it is vital to have a content management system(CMS). That’s where WordPress comes in to save the day.

wordpress homepage screenshot

WordPress is an open-source content management system that’s written in PHP and paired with either a MySQL or MariaDB database. In short, it allows you to post content and manage it. 

With WordPress, there are lots of plugins that you can utilize to make your content even better. For example, we use YOAST. The YOAST plugin gives you insight into your on-page SEO for whatever content you’re publishing. It gives you suggestions to make it better based on SEO best practices.

What makes developing a WordPress website so popular for real estate is its flexibility. Because it’s free to use and modify, the possibilities are literally endless. Anyone can grab it, change it to meet their needs, and customize it however they’d like, changing the layout of their blog, how their website functions, and much more.

Plus, for real estate, there are plenty of themes to help you showcase, advertise, and hopefully sell houses easier. Use real estate-specific themes and help your clients find homes in the areas they want faster.


Video content is a huge marketing tactic. For companies, sometimes it makes a lot more sense to create a video about a certain aspect of the company, rather than a blog post. That’s why Magisto was created to make the video editing process a lot more streamlined and efficient.

magisto homepage screenshot

How does it do that? It uses AI technology to bring all the important elements of video editing together. For a real estate agency, this could be huge. Instead of spending hours upon hours editing a single video only for it to not quite make the cut, you can automate the process. Plugin your video of a house tour or an interview with a client, add some creative edits provided by Magisto, and call it a day.


Moz is a tool that helps you monitor the performance of your website. As an SEO tool, Moz gives you helpful insight into keyword rankings, domain authority scores, and much more. Believe it or not, it even offers on-page optimization tools, competitive analysis, and a keyword difficulty tool. 

moz homepage screenshot

Moz has been well known for its simplicity and intuitiveness. By providing a comprehensive breakdown of your website, you can get an invaluable overview of what you’re doing right, and what needs improvement.

For real estate agents, Moz provides a great tool called Moz Local. Essentially this is a feature that allows you to do keyword research based on location. As someone that is trying to sell houses based on specific locations, this could be a huge insight.


Flipsnack is a tool that many real estate agents are using to create stunning brochures that help sell houses. It provides everything you need to digitize your brochures and impress the clients. Start by uploading your own brochure as PDF, or starting with one of our professionally designed templates.

Using Flipsnack’s MLS automation software, you can quickly and effortlessly populate brochures with your listings. Automatically insert agent information, pricing details, and of course, high-quality images by connecting branded templates with your listings database. 

Success in real estate marketing is all about gathering leads. With Flipsnack, you can incorporate a customizable lead form to gather their information. That way, in the future, when the right house does pop up, they can be some of the first to know about it.

Flipsnack is great for real estate marketing and even sales by helping you craft effective pitch decks for investors. After all, who buys a house without seeing all the incredible views, details, and imaging themselves running through the halls? Flipsnack provides everything you need to help home buyers visualize themselves living there.

Real estate marketing tools for communication

No matter what industry you’re in, communication is key. Whether it’s between you and colleagues, or you and the customer, all communication channels should be wide open at all times. Doing so provides the most streamlined workflow and helps prevent situations where someone doesn’t understand the next steps.

 Here are 5 real estate communication tools that can help you nail down your own strategy.

  1. Zoom
  2. Stackby
  3. Trello
  4. ClickUp
  5. Slack
  6. HipChat


Zoom has quickly become one of the staples in communication management for almost literally everyone. For a real estate agent, it’s a great way to chat with clients, colleagues, and anyone else you might be involved with on a daily basis.

zoom homepage screenshot

There are a lot of video conferencing tools out there, but Zoom is not only free, but it is extremely easy to use. For a real estate agent, this is great. No matter who you’re helping, they can all log on, have a quick chat, and go about their business. Not to mention, it works flawlessly on mobile devices.


Stackby is a Database management platform same as like Google Sheets, Trello, Clickup, Airtable, etc. Also, you can manage a real estate database by using the free database templates of Stackby. It is easy to use and a great tool to manage your real estate database to streamline your work.

visual of Stackby website

Real Estate agent or real estate business owner can use Pre-build Real Estate CRM Templates, list their properties, transaction tracking, team collaboration, etc. Stackby is easy and affordable airtable alternative, providing centralized platform for data management, communication, task management. Stackby empower real estate agents and business owner to streamline their workflow, improve efficiency and close more leads.


Trello is technically a project management tool, but it can most certainly be considered a communication tool in real estate. Trello makes it easy to understand what everyone is working on, what sort of deadlines you’re dealing with, and the urgency of each project. 

trello homepage screenshot

If you’re a real estate agent working with a team of marketers, designers, and salesmen, Trello is a great, free tool to help stay organized. It keeps everything transparent, which is the ultimate goal of communication, isn’t it?


ClickUp is a powerful, cloud-based project management software that’s perfect for any real estate agent or agency. What’s unique about ClickUp is that projects can be viewed from an Agile dashboard, making it a great tool for communication as projects are created, worked on, and completed.

clickup homepage screenshot

As a real estate agent, you want to have all the best tools possible in your pocket. Although ClickUp is a little more comprehensive than something like Trello, it certainly makes up for it with features that will make your life easier. One of my favorites is that you can assign comments on each task. Once the comment is resolved, you can mark it as complete and continue on with the project. There are also several ClickUp alternatives that you can try.


In light of the mass immigration to remote work, Slack has become the go-to chat tool for so many companies and individuals around the world. What’s great about it is that you have a very wide range of options that elevates it so far beyond the usual communication platform. But, if you want, there’s still a free option.

slack homepage screenshot

For real estate agencies, a central communication tool is important to keep everyone on the same page. With Slack, you have the browser option, application on the desktop, and an app on your phone. This means that everyone can be reached when needed. Create groups, message individuals, and share important updates in an instant.


ProofHub is a project management tool that’s perfect for real estate agents to streamline workflow and increase productivity.

ProofHub homepage screenshot

It is an all-in-one solution that brings all the people, conversations, tasks, and projects into one place and makes sure they never fall out of sync. With ProofHub, you can easily manage your team, client communications, deadlines, and much more.

You’ll never miss a deadline or forget to follow up with a client again. With ProofHub, you can schedule the project’s tasks, set deadlines and assign roles to the tasks in a visual way, and keep an eye on everything that is going on in your projects.

Teams from small businesses to large enterprises use ProofHub as their project management solution to serve clients faster, grow business, and improve communication.

Real estate marketing tools for social media 

Let’s all be honest with ourselves, social media has taken the world by storm. Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are so much more than simple platforms to talk to your friends. They are powerful tools that can be used for business, too. With the world flocking to social media platforms, it provides you with the perfect tool to reach your most ideal audiences.

Here’s a list of real estate marketing tools for social media: 

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Pinterest
  4. YouTube
  5. Hootsuite


Many people look at Facebook as just another social media platform where people can see what everyone else is up to. While that is true, it’s also a powerful social media tool for real estate. 

Real estate investors facebook page

Facebook provides a wide range of tools and features that help businesses of any kind. For real estate agents, that could mean Facebook Ads, easy interaction with clients through shared posts, or even just a quick way for people to reach out through Messenger.

However you decide to use it, Facebook and its tools are woven into the fabric of the internet, and it has made business for a lot of people easier and more convenient. According to realtor Darren Robertson, Facebook Insights is one of the most powerful tools in the modern realtor’s arsenal.


Speaking of Facebook and its tools, Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, is another powerful platform that you should take advantage of. Think about it. Instagram is the go-to app for sharing photos and videos. For a real estate agent or agency, that’s huge.

realestate instagram page

Instagram also has targeted ads, but more importantly, it lets you reach out to people looking for houses, apartments, interior decorations ideas, and much more based on hashtags and keywords. Regardless of how you use it, Instagram is a great platform for sharing your photos, which is typically what sells a house.


And speaking of sharing photos, Pinterest is great at that, too. Pinterest has quickly risen to the top for businesses sharing ideas, photos, information, and more. It is an incredible platform where you can find literally anything and Pin it to a board.

pinterest board with real estate open house ideas

For real estate marketing, this is a great PR tool. People again will search for your content based on keywords. The more people you have Pinning your content, sharing it around, and creating nice visual boards with it, the more they will be talking about you. 


Again, with YouTube, a real estate agent can take advantage of targeted ads. But more than that, you can post comprehensive home walkthroughs, digital tours, apartment complex breakdowns, and more.

youtube search result for real estate tours

On top of that, you can use YouTube videos to embed on your brochures, into your website, and send them via email to help explain a concept or property to a new client. Video is one of the most compelling marketing avenues out there. Why? Because everyone likes watching videos!


With all of your social media platforms, it can be hard to keep track, analyze, and manage them all. That’s why Hootsuite was created. Hootsuite allows you to connect and manage all your social platforms in one dashboard.

hootsuite homepage screenshot

Schedule posts, get insights and manage comments all in one place. No more logging in and out, searching for comments, and manually keeping track of likes and engagement. Hootsuite can do all of that and more. It’s a definite must for real estate marketing.

Real estate marketing tools for design

Design is a big part of real estate. Whether that’s interior design, architecture, or digital design, it is an integral part of being a real estate business. Even if you aren’t a designer yourself, the need to enhance images and make them look as good as possible is high in the real estate world. After all, nobody wants to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a home that’s displayed with poor lighting in 240p. Odds are that nobody will even notice your marketing materials.

That being said, we’re going to be focusing on the digital aspect of design in this list. Here are 5 real estate marketing tools for design.

  1. Adobe Photoshop
  2. LogoMaker
  3. Over
  4. PicMonkey
  5. Fixthephoto
  6. BoxBrownie
  7. Picmaker

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is intense and complex, but it is also very powerful for real estate. Editing photos, adjusting lighting, and removing mistakes that are bound to happen in a real estate setting are just a few of the things you can do with Photoshop.

adobe photoshop homepage screenshot

Since visuals and photos are very important in the world of real estate, you have to make sure everything that you share is picture-perfect. Whether that’s on social media, a real estate listing, or a brochure, everything needs to look professional.

That being said, Photoshop is not for beginners. Sure, you can log in and figure out the basics, but it is a tool designed for someone that uses it constantly. If you have a designer on your team, or you find yourself liking highly detailed photo editing, then look into Photoshop next time you want to post some photos of a house or property.


With LogoMaker, the name says it all. Some solo real estate agents might not see a need to have a nice logo to represent them, but that is simply not the case! Logos are all about branding, and branding sells.

logomaker homepage screenshot

LogoMaker allows you to quickly and pretty easily create a nice and detailed logo for your real estate business. Using this logo, you can brand all of your brochures, documentation, watermark your photos, and more. A logo is the center point of real estate marketing, so make sure it’s a good one!


Since we mentioned branding, we’ll mention Over, too. Over is a powerful tool that allows you to create professional ads, branded content, and stunning brand stories in minutes. 

over by godaddy homepage screenshot

Over is a design tool that allows you to quickly create incredible content and curate it to your design and style. It’s known as being easy to use, which is perfect for people that have the vision, but lack the design skills.

As we mentioned above, branding is everything. Branding sells! With Over, you can sprinkle your brand all over everything. It’s easy and free!


PicMonkey is yet another photo editing tool, but it comes with a twist. Unlike Photoshop (which still has its own place, mind you), PicMonkey is considerably easy to use. For quick photo edits, filters, and general photo enhancement, it’s a great option, especially for beginners.

picmonkey homepage screenshot

As a real estate agent, this is perfect for quick edits where you just need a slight color adjustment or new background in an image. The dashboard is pretty straightforward, and it gives you everything you need to be a photo editing ninja. 


Fixthephoto is a tool for photo and video editing that has great features for real estate. 

Fixthephoto real estate for design tool

It can update photos from day to dusk with ease. Also, it helps with item removal, sky replacement, lawn retouch, dust & garbage edit, TV image replacement, HDR bracketing with indoor window replacement, adding fire to fireplace, brightness and contrast adjustment, cord and items removal, lens distortion removal, window cut-out replacement, aerial highlight, virtual staging, 360° virtual tour and many other options.

You don’t need any photo editing skills. You send the photos and they are edited based on your requirements. The services are easy to choose from. In this way, you can present perfect photos to your clients and help them find the house of their dreams.


BoxBrownie is also a photo editing tool, but this one is specifically designed for real estate. It combines power and simplicity to give you everything you need to perfectly edit real estate imagery.

boxbrownie homepage screenshot

Remove items, enhance colors to compensate for a cloudy day, virtually stage the house, give 360 degree virtual tours, and a lot more. BoxBrownie is a real estate agent’s best friend when it comes to photo editing. 

The best part about it? You don’t have to do any of the editing yourself. The way BoxBrownie works is you send in your images, pay a flat rate for the service you choose, and the images, videos, and virtual tours are done for you. This gives you plenty of time to focus on other important things, completely negating the need for you to learn how to use a photo editing tool.

Using the newly edited videos and images, you can embed them into your marketing materials. Every little detail helps, and a professionally edited virtual tour can be the selling point of any house. In the same vein, effective property management is key to maintaining and enhancing the value of real estate properties. Utilizing comprehensive property management software can streamline various aspects of property management, from tenant screening to maintenance requests, ensuring a seamless experience for both property managers and tenants.


Picmaker is an intuitive AI-powered design platform that helps beginners and non-designers create unique, inimitable designs in minutes.

picmaker homescreen

The platform offers customizable design templates in 80+ categories that include social media, posters, flyers, logos, banner ads, and more.

The MAD Button is Picmaker’s differentiator. With a single click, anyone can create eye-catching visuals by changing fonts, colors, or even the entire look and feel of the design.

The platform is simple, fast, and smooth!

Real estate specific marketing tools

With everything above in your real estate marketing arsenal, you’re sure to succeed. But, only a few of them are marketing specific. Sure, you can adapt each one to meet your needs pretty easily, but are there any tools out there that are made specifically for real estate? 

The answer is yes, of course! Here are 5 of the best real estate specific marketing tools.

  1. Landlord Studio
  2. Zillow
  3. Follow Up Boss
  4. Open Home Pro
  5. Zumper
  6. Real Geeks
  7. Salesmate

Landlord Studio

With Landlord Studio you can streamline the entire rental marketing and tenant selection process. Create a free rental listing and then syndicate it across top channels including Zillow, Zumper, Trulia, and Hotpads with a single click. No need to create and manage multiple accounts on multiple platforms.

Get more high-intent leads, collect rental applications, and run tenant screening reports. All in one place. Perfect for self-managing landlords and property managers looking to reduce vacancies and increase property ROI.

On top of the real estate marketing tools, it also provides a full range of property management tools, including property maintenance management, online rent collection, and rental accounting and reporting tools. It’s free and easy to use with award-winning customer service.


At this point, everyone knows Zillow. It’s such a powerful tool for just about anything real estate marketing. Not sure how much other houses around the area have sold for? Zillow can help with that. Living in Texas and need to see the listings in Jupiter Florida? Zillow can also do that. Want to see what properties new home buyers in Portland are snatching up? Zillow can do that too!

zillow homepage screenshot

Think of Zillow as a gateway. It connects buyers, sellers, and real estate agents with just a few clicks. It is the most rounded real estate marketing platform out there, with over 245 million unique monthly visitors as of writing this.

On top of that, a buyer can find an agent based on their location, experience, and reviews. You can also manage rentals through the website itself. Whatever your need is in real estate, Zillow has made strides to be the best, most accessible platform out there. It truly is an all-in-one platform that you have to see for yourself. 

Follow Up Boss

Follow Up Boss is a CRM that is specifically designed for real estate. It automatically imports and distributes leads from leading platforms like Zillow, Facebook, and Realtor.com. Take lead data from your listings and create a powerful list of leads that are ready to convert.

follow up boss homepage screenshot

What makes Follow Up Boss unique for real estate agents is that it creates a smart list based on your collected lead data. Instead of guessing who to call, the list will organize the leads for you, letting you know who has the potential to convert and when.

Of course, there’s a giant list of features that comes with this tool. Far too many to list here. What’s important to note is that this CRM is one of the best tools you can have as a real estate agent, especially if you work in a team. Because of its uniqueness, you can automatically route leads to coworkers so that they can be contacted ASAP. 

Open Home Pro

Open Home Pro is an app designed specifically for open houses. Essentially, it’s a sign-in sheet where agents can then follow up with the leads after. It even advertises the ability to share open houses across social media.

open home pro homepage screenshot

Based on the lead information gathered, the app will send automatic follow-ups to leads and even determine and send you lists of hot leads. These are leads that have a home to sell, or maybe don’t have an agent to help them. As you can imagine, this is some pretty powerful insight for a real estate agent. 

Open Home Pro is a good tool to have for real estate marketing. It takes advantage of the open house setting, collecting leads that are definitely interested in buying or selling a house, but may not find the perfect fit right away. It takes a situation that may not immediately produce a customer, and turns it into one that generates leads and future customers.


Zumper is a platform that’s like Zillow and Airbnb all rolled into one. If you want to look for a new house, apartment, or condo, you can do that based on location. Planning a vacation? You can do that, too.

zumper homepage screenshot

Zumper takes all the headache out of real estate searching, and gives the buyer all the power. For a real estate agent, listing a house or property there might just give you the sale you need. 

That’s really all there is to Zumper. It’s not over the top with features. It is simple and straightforward, which a lot of home buyers and sellers appreciate. 

Real Geeks

Real Geeks markets itself as the all-in-one real estate sales and marketing solution, built by an agent, for agents. It is quite a comprehensive tool that includes features like a CRM, Facebook marketing tool manager, property valuation tool, and a lot more.

real geeks homepage screenshot

What makes Real Geeks unique is its ability to automate and track manual tasks in the real estate world. You can even create a real estate website using this tool. On top of that, you can integrate other helpful real estate marketing tools with it.

There truly is too much to list when it comes to Real Geeks. All I can say is that if you have a real estate business or you’re a real estate agent working solo, Real Geeks has a lot to offer in terms of marketing. They work hard to make sure their platform tailors to anyone in the real estate industry, no matter their experience, workload, or team size. 


Salesmate is a powerful CRM software for real estate agents to streamline and optimize their sales processes. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, it enables real estate professionals to manage leads, track deals, and nurture relationships effectively. 

Salesmate real estate marketing tool

The platform offers lead capturing, customizable pipelines, automated workflows, and task management to help realtors stay organized and focused on closing deals. Salesmate’s comprehensive reporting and analytics provide valuable insights, allowing realtors to make data-driven decisions and improve overall performance. Whether it’s managing clients, properties, or transactions, Salesmate equips real estate agents with the tools they need to succeed in a competitive market. 

Conclusions and takeaway

With real estate marketing, it’s always best to take advantage of every tool you can. Sure, there are a lot out there, but having a few, good tools that you can rely on for various tasks is important.

The simple rule with digital marketing tools for real estate is that if you can automate it, you should. Of course, use your best judgment to determine whether or not paying for a tool is an effective use of your budget. That being said, a lot of the tools on this list have free versions, too. That being said, a property management company can benefit greatly from these tools, and many of the options on this list have free versions, too.

Regardless of the size of your real estate business or whether you work alone or not, digital tools for real estate marketing are so incredibly helpful. Take your time, do your research, and let us know in the comments below what you think of the tools we’ve listed here. Or, if you have any other suggestions, we’d love to hear them!

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